Never ending Rat saga

I call it never ending because that is just what it is. Since it’s inception, before it’s popularity, before the five points neighborhood,NYC has ALWAYS had a rat problem. Since the rats brought disease with them on many ships, with the vast migration of people swarming to NY. There is more garbage and food sources than ever. There are restaurants on almost every commercial block. There is the endless filth in the streets and the surrounding river and water docks and it’s enormous underground city of subways and tunneI’s. I have seen this myself as I write about it in The Coparazzi, rats playing out in the open at places like the Wollman ice-skating rink where families bring their children to iceskate. Every week there is an article in a NY newspaper about rats. The solution by the Mayor of this crumbling city is to hire a rat czar(his friend no doubt) for over 100,000 dollars in salary. TOTAL WASTE. The solution quite honestly-who knows. So for matter of just saying, realize that eventually in NY, with a rat population of over 3 million, you personally will see rats at play sooner or later!!!

Florida Exodus

As Governor DeSantis touts Florida as a paradise in which to flee to from the harsh Northern and liberal states he fails to mention the Sunshine states dirty little secret. People at the rate, according to the census are fleeing Florida at 700 per day. The main reason-Florida is no longer affordable to the middle class regular Americans. At least not SOUTH FLORIDA. The cost of living here far exceeds job wages and seniors who are living on a fixed income. Simply put the greed of the wealthy is pricing the average Floridian out of their homes and condos. The excuse is that reforms take time. Well when yo only make a certain amount and the HOA fees and property taxes rise significantly every year how can people keep up. There are million dollar condos going up every time you drive down the street, real estate is through the roof, even apartments are in the New York area of rent. And of course the main culprit excused on the back of a building collapse, insurance. Insurance rates have doubled into the thousands. Assessments are pushing people to sell. Now I have nothing against the wealthier but Florida used to be a place where people could migrate to and be comfortable, find some peace of mind. The closer to the beach, the more expensive. Now they are seeking Georgia and Alabama. As one Florida board member told me, folks have been getting away cheap down here for years, now its time for everyone remaining to pay the bill. What a fucking attitude coming from Broward County officials. Don’t get me wrong, I still rather be here than NY, but Governor, these folks can use a little pick me up. My point is if anyone up North is looking to move here, it’s still a positive option over those crazy states up North, but please, read the fine print, then read it again and again. It ain’t cheap. It’s not all leisure life on the beach!!!


Why the hoopla over this poignant movie, Sound of Freedom.The woke crowd and the Hollywood morons love to jump at the chance to criticize a work that is above their meaning. From what I understand their main complaint is that the film paints an inaccurate portrayal of human-trafficking. And that the film itself is supposed to be based on fact but is not. Well blow the doors down. Show me a film in Hollywood history that is exact and to the letter. What crap. Right up to Martin Scorsese’ latest film, based on a true story, Killer of the Flower Moon, it is revealed script changes were made to appease minorities. Doesn’t change the story dildos. Freedom is not a dishonest view about the sick world of trafficking. Every real life criminal investigation proves it’s accuracy. True life is ALWAYS altered for artistic purposes. Goodfellas’ and Oppenheimer to name a couple. Freedom at it’s core is indeed factual. I believe the opposition comes from the left’s never ending dislike for the fine actor James Caviezel, simply because he played Christ in a way they opposed. And of course the actor and his movie and their strong ties to the wonderful Mel Gibson!!!

Jesus at the Movies

After watching 3 seasons of the Chosen, a very good series depicting the life of Christ, I then channel surfed, only to find it is Jesus all the time on all faith based and non-faith based channels. Jesus of every kind, brown eyed, blue eyed, long hair short hair. Every ancient and modern writers dream Jesus. Every biblical text from Mark to Luke. I did however watch two this week. Mary Magdalene with Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix. Mara was good enough as Mary,but after watching the down to earth Jesus of The Chosen, Phoenix’s portrayal of the Christ is harder to watch. he shows Jesus as a constipated hobo who is always down on something. struggling with words. Who would follow him? Then there is the 2003 version entitled simply, Jesus. A more charming and groomed Christ compared to Phoenix, but here is a depiction strife with word salad, hence the 3 hour production. “Love me, therefore I will love you” “If you do indeed love me, I will again love you>’ And on it went. For my money, stick to the old basics and classics if you might. ‘King of Kings’ ‘The Passion of the Christ.’ ‘Ben Hur.’ All are more entertaining then what you might come across on cable. Even Martin Scorsese’s version will at least turn your head.

It’s been a year?

It has, it has been a year since my last entry. Well that isn’t good for me. Writers should write, right? Even if they are venting. Why I wonder are the extreme liars not fair about the reality of what the hell is going on? If I were witnessing the same downfall as a republican I would say, “get that fuckin’ guy outta there.” But no, not the left loons. They will let this president and ALL of his ilk lie and lie and lie. There is no explaining everyone knows how fucked things are. The laundry list is long. Two quick points. REp. house member is first to appear on google for liars. OK so he is then he should get what he deserves, I find no problem there. But on the other side, lying shit starrer Adam Schiff gets applause from his lying friends as he is censored. Here, it’s simple, the bottom rung of the populace, the poor and disenfranchised will always drink the Kool aid for free stuff. The higher ups, the rich the famous could give a rats ass about the middle, they don’t care about gas or anything else going up because they have greenbacks. The middle, the new middle, the majority woke don’t understand about 401k’s and responsibility so yeh Lets Go Brandon. Stupid Asses!!!


So after doing well for so long I fell again, off the wagon. Yes, reality TV is definitely a waste of time and essentially brain dead matter even if your high on whatever gets you high. It’s a somewhat nefarious guilty pleasure but it always leaves me feeling guilty that I’ve wasted precious time on this earth. Yet I got caught up again, 90Day fiance and its various spinoffs. The proverbial ridiculousness of it all. Of course I posses some intelligence to know this train-wreck has to be somewhat scripted otherwise how could such improbable couples fly around the world searching for love. I wouldn’t do it, not for a raving beauty, because something would scream at me-scam. Anyway this is reality TV and it is obviously working with a cast of zombie-like characters that range from the ridiculous to the sublime. Adorable senoritas connecting with country bumpkins , Imperious Russian beauties with much older men, women with too much well rounded assets even, pardon my crassness, midgets with surf guys. Just too much in a world with too much. Luckily I began to weed out the boring couples and finally even the popular cast of big necks and dumb mamas!!!

The Coparazzi Conversations

Podcast episode two now on facebook, twitter and Spotify. Please listen and comment! Thank you!

Mental health is an issue conflicting one-fifth of the population. Whoever it might be you do have the capacity to build your confidence. We are all unique!!!

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